which diesel for chipping / remap


mondeo tdci
Hows it going all?

Im a bit obsessed with cars and constanly looking, reading, wanting.....

Im a newbie researchng my next purchase in the new year. Always trying to get a balance between power and performance and economy.

Im currently driving a mondeo tdci130 with some kinda tuning chip I got off fleabay. Its ok I guess but I have been reading through articles about chips versus remaps and I have loads of questions so don't know what part of the forum to aim them.

Overall, Im looking for someone to point to the benefits of remapping over chips or maybe there aint any?. I mean blue fin superchips at £600 and remaps at less? you get what you pay for?

So main question I guess is what decent diesels are out there now that can really benefit from tuning and and dont give less than 40mpg?

The Ballboy
N. Ireland
The VW Golf GTTDI is an awesome buy, 150bhp in standard form and around 200 on a remap. A friend of mine has had his remapped and he still gets well over 50mpg from it!

Remaps and chips are generally as effective as each other but remaps are easier to change, quicker to update and more flexible than a chip.

Ideally you will get a custom remap done on a rolling road rather than an off the shelf remap.
wonder where one would find out the quality of different chips. I mean mine was 50quid second hand and bluefin is 500quid. Are they essentially the same thing

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