Vary your routes and stay sharp


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How many of us vary our daily routes? It can help us to stay sharp and alert giving ourselves something different to see along the way.

Plus it stops us getting over familiar and complacent.

It is scary that sometimes you don't actually remember part of your daily journey to work.
I have three main routes to get to work, each route can be slight modified depending on what mood I'm in &/or the state of the traffic. Luckily for me when working nights my drive is largely stress free & the drive home at 3 or 4 in the morning is entertaining as I've the road more or less to my self! :bigsmile:
When working days I drive to the station & take the train as the rush hour suicide jockeys really annoy me, the risks some people make just to get to & from work is just ridiculous! :blink:

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