Start buttons

Would only be cool if you didn't have to put the key in.
If you could walk up to the car, get in, press the start button and away you go with the fob still in your pocket.
Now that would be cool.
If you still need to insert the key into the dash then hit the start, not cool and to be honest pointless.
Push start buttons are OLD. They have been fitted to cars more or less since starter motors were first fitted :)
^^^^ Yes indeed ^^^^

My Grand-dad had a 1965 Ford Anglia which had push button start. Renault uses em now for some reason. It's just a switch :-$
It must have been a mod because my Anglias didn't have a button, just a standard FS (I think) key.
As said already when you have to put the key in the dash anyway they're relatively pointless as far as I can see. Kind've cool when it springs to life and all the needles go up and back though. Coolest thing I've come across is driving the new version of my current car in America which remote-started from across the car park. Beep, Beep, Vrrruumm!! Epic!

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