Some dog owners haven't got a clue.


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
This morning as I WALKED to work I passed a Range Rover with 3 dogs in it. Strangely the alarm was going off? Perhaps the owner was supremely confident that his dogs could remain perfectly still.:blink:

Why do people do this? It's not fare on the dog - car alarms can be quite scary!
and crapping and pissing - does my head in when they shut the windows - like to shut them in on a hot sunny day and see how long it takes em to get "uncomfortable"
I saw a man put his kids in the car and told em to stay still or theyd set the alarm off :lol: Felt sorry fr the kids. He didnt even give them an open window or a bowl of water.
The funniest thing i've seen regarding animals in cars was a few years ago in Kuwait. It was market day and there was another sandstorm. The vehicle was a white double cab pick-up. The kids were in the cargo space huddled up getting blasted under a tarpaulin and the goats were on the back seat.:lol::lol:
My mate and I were in stitches.
I bet goats were worth more than kids. Or perhaps he misheard his wife who said "put the kids in the back on the car." :lol:

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