Should motorway limits increase in the dry


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
In a lot of countries there are 2 speedlimits for a motorway. When it is dry there is a higher limit - France is around 80mph.

I think this is quite sensible and reckon we should this in the UK. I'd be happy for tighter enforcement at the higher limit.

What about you, do you think this would be a good idea? Are there any arguements against?
Definitely although if we set a blanket top limit of 80 can't drivers work out for themselves whether it's safe to drive at that speed or should select a lower speed.
Definitely although if we set a blanket top limit of 80 can't drivers work out for themselves whether it's safe to drive at that speed or should select a lower speed.

some do have the nouse some dont, how many times have you been on the m'way and its persisting it down and some numb nut passes you at 80-90?
What happens if it's dry and then a sudden downpour occurs? Does that mean everyone on the motorway has to suddenly slam their brakes on?

Personally I think the motorway speed should be 80mph...if driver's don't know what is a safe speed then they shouldn't be on the motorway!

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