Praise the women drivers in your life


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
There is a lot of jokes about women drivers and everyone seems to like to bash women drivers but I think this is actually unfair.

Women drivers fall into 2 categories IMO, very few are overconfident risk takers in my experience.
  • Confident adept and very capable drivers.
  • Unconfident and cautious.
When women get criticised and belittled they fall into the 2nd group creating a self perpetuating myth.

My wife and most of my female friends are very good drivers, able to maneuver well and usually return better MPG figures than me and keep a consistant speed.

They also anticipate well and don't take risks.

Most of the blokes I know are overconfident risk takers, drive too close, fail to keep a constant speed and are not great at anticipating the road.

So lets hear it for the great women drivers in your life. (They might even end up reading this thread so make sure you say nice things!)
My mum and that is about it.

Every other woman I have ever been in a car with are dreadful. Stick to close to peoples rear bumpers, brake way too late, cannot change gears, too slow and would rather sit at 18mph in a 60 limit then over take on a straight! annoys the hell out of me!
I'm with T9 and don't dare offer advice .There are some dents in the floor on the passenger side of her car.
The wife is pretty good overall but tends to sit too close to the steering wheel and therefore her arms and hands are in the wrong position, not ideal if in a shunt. Plus she can drive too close to the car infront at times, hard to tell them. All three daughters again are pretty good, each have their minuses, but don't we all? Can't say I would decline a lift from any of them, I have no problem being in a car with any of them.
My other half is pretty good and she'd done skid pan training and holds an IAM test pass!

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