New faster Veyron coming out


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
There is a new even faster Bugatti Veyron coming out soon!

I have to ask what is the point? Surely adding more power to one of the worlds most powerful cars is a pointless exercise?
Actually it does look a bit better, the nose is slightly less sticky out and the aero dynamics have been revised. Next week James May will be driving one to the limit and breaking the production car speed record (held by a CCX I beleive).

Power has been hiked to 1200bhp all for another 10mph or so on the top speed!;)
Well all records are there to be broken! and Captain Slow going for it again in the new Veyron! I shall be glued to the screen :)
its pleasing to see the Bugatti are not cow-towing to the green movement like most other manufacturers and continuing to develop wonderfully powerful, thirsty cars. Hopefully they can mass market it at a much cheaper price so more of us get a chance to acquire one????

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