How strong is your screen wash mix


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
When going into winter do you use a stronger water to screen wash mix to prevent freezing?

Which brand to you use? Does anyone use 100% screen wash or do you always mix it with water?
During the winter period I use neat solution. I did try the lower freezing point stuff but found it expensive. Fine if not doing many miles but myself doing 350 a week it gets a bit much with constant screen cleaning and headlight washes going on. As I have a heated screen and washers it'll be interesting to see how it fares this winter.
I usually use the Holts blue ready mixed screen wash - BUT I had noticed last year that until the engine got warm, nothing came out of the washer jets as they were frozen. I must admit to having thought about using a neat solution in the bottle, but I did not know whether it would be practical to do so or not.

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