First impressions


Staff member
When you drove your car for the first time what were your first impressions of it?

Which things stuck out as nice/bad/different and did the test drive make you buy it?
The handling, and surprising amount of power the ZR had! Built rather well and just a joy to drive! Pain to maintain though...
I Brought my Mondeo zetec s because of the v6 motor and nice interior.
First impressions were good and a nice upgrade from my St 24.
6 months down the line I realize first impressions don,t always count I have spent more
money on this car than in 4 years of ownership of the St24 and its still rubbish.
This car is inferior in every way and I rue the day I ever brought it.
I will be far more careful in my next choice.
For me it was the exterior looks, interior level of trim, the dashboard and the pace of the car when I put my foot down.
I fancied a change from BMW to Saab at the time and I have never looked back.

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