Drifting on Forza 2

Aerial Andy944

The Torque Meister
Sunny South Somerset UK
VW Golf GT TDi 200
Anyone had a go or even involved in the Drifting competitions people are doing on Forza 2 Xbox live. I've just joined up to Xbox Live and was watching some amazing Exhibiton Drift races on the King Cobra circuit and so now I'm having a practise getting the technique right. Just figuring out the diff lock settings, should they be low or high? I'm guessing low as that sends me into a spin even on the straights :lol: This online gaming thing is a whole new world :blink:

i think you need to get the balance right, like you said too low the car is going to be all over the place, i would start low then start to move it higher until yo gethe setting right for you
i use a s15 silvia done up as much as possible but found it got a lot easier when i made the car 4wd. left the diff settings as is. just lowered the ride and increased the rear brake bias and pressure.

drifting is now a synch.

thats forza 3 though.. (just noticed as i was typing)
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