Do you torque and gap plugs


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How many of us check the torque setting on new plugs when we fit them?

Do you bother to set the plug gap as well, do you go with the standard gap or do you set them slightly wider than standard?
double check the gaps as had some set wrong.
dont really torque them up, more let them meet the head and 1/4 turn, just make sure they are greased so can remove them with a bit of ease next time.

you need a spark plug socket to fit and remove. basically its a deep socket with a rubber part at the top to stop the plug falling out.
We always use the torque setting. As for gapping, yes we check them always but they are adjusted for cars running higher boost, the gap is decreased slightly as this helps reduce spark blow out. This can be overcome by different add ons but for those who can't justify it gapping down is the easiest solution.
Unless the threads on both plug and head are clean and greased the torque wrench is useless really.

The most common fault is over-tightening - especially with taper-seat plugs - this can render them virtually impossible to remove.

Spark gaps should only need to be set once on modern engines. With plug replacement intervals being 80,000 or more miles in some cases it is important to use the correct plugs.

Cheap alternatives can cause massive problems. Like, for example, a chunk of porcelain insulator dropping into the cylinder bore will cause untold engine damage. Overtightening can also damage the insulator.
Doesn't over tightening them affect the tip heat and lead to cracking of the insulator?

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