do you no what this car is


Road Burner
staplehurst kent
this its a sports car what is it/only 500 made in the world
Its a sort of cross between a Marcos and an Ultima. Is it a kit car?

Did you know someones painted over the lights :lol:
It's bugging the hell out of me, I can see the car in my mind, it was very very low, just can't remember what it was called.
I spent an hour in the online archives of NZ Classic Car Magazine this morning & couldn't find diddly. :lol: Do you know how many pictures of racing there are on the interweb? There's at least a couple of hundred. :amuse:
I even cheated & had a look at Timmy's photobucket album! :toung:
I googled for "what NZ sports car is timmy talking about" and it turned up no useful results. Flipping Google!
its called and ellfin it was 1500 cross flow ford pinto eng built for 24 hour raceing in N.Z. and become a one of 500 sports car made in NZ/ there are 2 in UK and one about to go back to raceing good to see Next Year

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