Car tax and insurance


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
How much do we each pay in car tax and insurance before we even put an ignition key in our cars and drive it down the road?

I'm running at a flat cost of around £600 (US $1117!) (About 27% of this is car tax! The rest is Full car insurance & Breakdown cover.)

I'm particularly curious in other countries and what charges are levied before you even start driving.

Add the cost of servicing and repairs and cars can become pretty pricey indeed.
Road tax currently £168. Insurance is just under £400. Not bad for a nigh on 200bhp car. Wait 'til next year and the tax'll be about £400. THen it's bye bye time
The vRS is currently costing me £850 a year to insure and tax which is £120 at the moment isn't due until December. I checked about tax increase and it goes up by £5 in 2010 so I'm fine.
My car taxes are $36 a year and $400 on insurance

Wife's '96 Pontiac Grand Prix taxes $34 and insurance is $300 a year!

Oh and thanks Waynne for the US conversion!
Looks like mine is the highest so far then! Last December I paid £1400 for insurance (1 years NCB and insurance group 14) and then a few months back I had to pay £180 tax. Bloody rip off!!
im probably looking at around the same as prince.

i want a vtec civic 6th gen coupe, and its around 900 a year with 120(?) tax

so about a grand.

plus 400 insurance for my bike and about 20 quid for tax
$36 car tax for a year :eek: I think we are getting ripped off at £180! I wonder if I can register my car in America and just be on a long holiday in the UK.

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