Car shunted at 60mph by tanker

I saw this last weekend, everyone at work was quick to blame the lorry driver It could have been just as easily the car drivers fault for not checking her mirrors before pulling over.
Must have been really exciting in that car though! :lol:
im sorry but i reckon i would notice if a car is wedged infront of me lol, but i do know how these lorry drivers drive on the road, so this could be an every day thing to them lol :)
I did think that myself.
But then you have to think such a small car against that huge lorry. The driver prob wouldn't of noticed due to the size of the car and as it's more or less just been clipped and sent in to a skid you also have to think about vision. The lorry driver possibly can't see that far down without leaning forwards. Also think about noise. Especially from the lorry plus he could of had some tunes playing loudly as well. Think about all that and then you get the idea why the lorry driver may not have noticed.
Other than that he may have had one too many the night before.:lol::lol:
Totally mad i bet the driver of the car was terrified, who said its not fun going side ways lol must have been a hell of noise with those tyres screeching.:bigsmile:
WTH????this realy hapend????how the car got there???the driver of the truck had to hear when he picked it up!!!emagine the fear of the man/women in the car lol!!!!!:amazed::amazed:
presuming the car and lorry were equally matched for speed the lorry could have just nudged the car and forced it to spin around in front of it, without much noise. although would have thought their would have been a bit of a thump and a substantial loss in power when the car settled in front of the lorry.

tn69: suspect your last comment is correct.

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