Another screw in my Tyre


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
One of my new tyres, which are only a few months old has had a screw puncture , that's 3 punctures in as many months. How lucky am I?

At least it was repairable. I called out wills
Mobile tyres and he got to me in under 5 mins! Very impressed with the service.
Great service that, so I now know not to follow you around town unless I have made a pre-arrangement with the local tyre suppliers first! ;)
I suppose there are lots of workmen around and the high winds shattered a lot of fence panels. I just don't know why I'm so lucky, none of my friends seem to pick up punctures like I do! It's so frustrating.
A lot is probably down to local authorities not sweeping the roads as often, when did you last see a road sweeper going along the roads?
Could be handy if you got any diy to do at home!,wont have to buy screws,just go up and down the road:lol:.Joking aside it must be annoying! it goes to show how well the council sweep the roads or dont as the case may be!.;)
I have a habit of ripping the Side wall in my tyres I have done 3 in 3 weeks recently Not sure what I'm doing to do this :|
Chickenfeed. I bought two new front tyres for my car about two months ago - the same day I got a nail in the sidewall on the nearside one. I was gutted. When I got back to the tyre shop where I'd bought them, the guy thought I was winding him up ! At £80 a tyre he smiled and said, 'I feel your pain bro'.
Another time in a different car, the night I picked the car up after buying it, I got a puncture driving it home ! I laugh at it now, but it was funny at the time. :eek: lol

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