200 mph road cars?


Staff member
Deal, Kent UK
A3 1.4 TFSI 150 COD
Do you think that we will ever get 200 mph road cars?

Back in the early days land speed records were set in (1898) 39mph, 41 (1899) 65, 75 (1902)76, 94, (1906),121 (1925),150mph and (1927) 200mph (you start to get the idea) then in 2006 we have a Disel hitting 328mph.

Back in 1902 if you told them that we would all be driving cars capable of 76 mph they would not believe us.

The next big barrier for road cars I see is 200mph with most standard current production cars capable of 100-150. The thing is though do you think this will happen?

Will we get the 2039 plate Ford Focus RS with a top speed of 200 and with improving technology, safety and brakes etc will we see an increase in road speeds which were set when 70mph seemed positively quick! ;)

Going on 100 years will we see cars with SSC speeds of over 700mph on our streets?
At the way we are advancing in technology, I seriously doubt if it will be 100 yrs before we reach those speeds. We already have street cars that will do 160-170 from the factory before they start cutting out. Plus the way we are always trying to improve safety, stopping something like this wont be a problem. Who knows exactly how long it will take? We will just have to wait and see!
It will be possible but I doubt it will be allowed on the street. We all have cars that can hit somewhere between 100-140mph, but we are still legally restricted to 70mph. Maybe they would increase the limit...but I still doubt that.
Maybe by the time we can achieve safely 200 we may be at the point where drivers arnt required.
200mph might be a m way cruising speed wih everything worked out for us - cars talking to each other so collisions dont happen
I doubt we'll do 200mph on the roads anytime soon though...not now that average speed cameras are (supposedly) being installed everywhere. They are on trial in London, probably right in the middle where the average speed is 5mph!

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