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Swansea, South Wales
Honda Civic 1.6 EP2

I've been reading the forums for a few days now. I bought my 51 plate Honda Civic 1.6 VTEC Sport on Thursday and it is fantastic. I love it!:p

However, there is a few common problems such as the window seal on the driver side needs changing, getting that done Friday and i'm also changing the cam belt, so nothing major and I already know all about them.

The question I want to ask is about the horn. It sounds rather high for my liking and I'm just wondering about the price it would cost to change the horn to something a little lower?
Hi and a warm welcome to TorqueCars. The horn is fairly easy to change with typcially only 2 contacts. You might prefer the sound of the prelude horn as this is a bit more manly. You might be able to adjust the pitch of the horn by tightening up the faceplate a little or slacking it off.

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