Map for 9-3 1.9 TiD vector Sport


Saab 9-3 1.9 TiD
Hi, new here but have been reading some good threads. Although T9 has very helpfully given me some leads for a map I wanted to know of any Forum members with the same car as mine who have gone down the mapping route and which company was chosen, how much it cost and whether there were any choice of maps to install. I've read about Maptun and Viezu but also rad about stand alone boxes from TDi etc. Which do I choose for the best without it being a kind of lottery?
Hi There

My 9-3 1.9 TiD Vector Sport 150 Bhp had a DTUK Red box for 6 months with no issues and I was getting nearly 59mpg on long runs cruise control at 70+ MPH. £249.00

I now have a Stage 1 ReMap from Maptun on their Tuner Box. 54 MPG on cruise control @ 70+ MPH. £555.00. More torque from lower rev range than before but tops out quicker than Red Box. With Red Box the engine keeps pulling more torque until engine alarm at 129 MPH. I had the Red Box set to number 9 as a maximum setting.

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