Hi Everyone


New member
Hello Everyone,
This is an awesome site and a great forum, I am very happy that I found it!
Well, I am from Greece and I have a Honda Prelude 1996 2.0 model which is totally untouched as far as tunning is concerned. It has 110.000 Kilometers and a great engine (Honda service very regularly). I am looking forward to any advice on where to start with improving my car. My plan is to start modestly and add elements over time, so compatibility is an issue and a good plan of where to start and what to shoot for as well. Since I am very new to the tunning world I would need any help I can get.
Thanks and hello!
Hi Mikolo welcome aboard - another Honda driver - you are in good company. I'll get round to answering your questions in the Honda forum when i get a minute - later on. (I'm pretty busy at the moment with the relaunch of this site - more pages, better (faster) forum, better gallery etc....)
Waynne thank you for your welcome! I am looking forward to know you better!
I was wondering if you could add another calculator to your awesome site (in addition to the helpful BHP claculator) that would help determine the cost of tunning a car. You know the price ranges of the quality components of tunning and therefore someone would be informed not only of the BHP gains but also of the potential costs of each modification.

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